четвъртък, 7 януари 2010 г.

Over the Edge

Me. You. And thousands others. We.
We, the cowards. The ones, who feel it’s never enough. Or it’s always too much. We, the supreme guardians of our personal space. The commitment phobics. The heavily armed kings and queens of empty castles. The ones who live a life of a delusive safety. The ever-doubting cynics. The panican whyaskers. The ones, who always walk just on the edge of love. We feared enough.
So…go over the edge, my love. Make the quantum leap. See for yourself. Find out.
And if you can do it, so can I. And thousands others.

Това е малкият ми опит да окуража Пабло в един важен момент от живота му. Дано съм успяла.

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